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;) There's a lot to digest with this screenshot. I think for once I'll let it speak for itself. You tell me what you notice!

Anyway, wow does it look good in action! I'm so so so excited. We almost have enough assets for most of chapter 1. One I program the chapter I'll send ya'll a playable build to check out for yourselves. ;) We need a demo to make the announce public and get some more support! :D Anyway, hope you guys like the sneak peek ;)




I notice a beautiful bunny lady who needs a few babies in her belly :)

Thomas J Corton III

Awww her disheveled shirt and sleepy face are adorable. Liking the clean UI as well, nothing wrong with a little razzle dazzle but a nice simple UI for a vn just feels nice to look at.


Why get dressed when babymaking is more fun?


Very clean, Very excited and wanna see more :3


I'm glad you think so :) Yeah, right now we want to get the build playable before we worry about stuff like Ui. For what it is, it looks good though!