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A special message from 2020's main cast in this patreon.

Bianca: Wait wah? Why am I going first?! They don't wanna hear from me! Seriously, Jackie stop pushing! ......... *technical difficulties and fighting noise* .......
*Mic noise* Ah... So.. yeah, thanks a lot for a great year of support! The show I star in.. PokeBuns has had a rough and slow start but the boss is always reminding our pencilist to get his butt in gear. So.. thanks for your patience. Uhm.. aside from that, I've had a lot of.. 'exposure' this year.. and it's been difficult to get used to. It's been fun! (i guess..)
So thank you for supporting myself, my sis, and Ingrid in these difficult times. Yeah, that's it.

Jackie: Good job, little sis! I'm happy you had it in you! That was a great speech: *bianca yelling: "shut up and do yours!"* Right right. As some of you may know, I'm very big on Charity and helping others in need. This year I'd love to thank every single patron we've had that generously supported us buns. It's been a crazy year! Yet, you guys stuck with us. So a big toast to all of you! *gulp gulp* Aah!
This has been great for lil Bianca's self esteem too. She is usually stuck in her room to herself, but she's getting out there more and it's thanks to you guys! Keep it up! Motivate her to be more open!

Mynt: *stands and stares at the crowd, aka all of you* ....
(Claudia: Myntie! You have to say stuff!)
...... THANK YOU *loud mic noise, she clearly spoke too close into the mic*
*Mynt walks off, the stage is empty*
*talking can be heard backstage* "Myntie, get back out there and thank them properly."
"You thank them. I did my part. Since when do you give me orders, my pet?"
"Since you started acting like a baby now go!" *she pushes Mynt back out*
..... We are newcomers in this establishment. You have all welcomed us without the need for a backhand. It is much appreciated... My.. pet and I enjoy the support. Since she is so keen on thanking you, perhaps I will toss her into the crowd and let what happens happen.
A jest. Thank you. The one thing I am thankful for most this year, is Claudia. She has shown me a different side to the world, one without bloodshed and hatred. Claudia has given me the opportunity to know what love is. To have her loyalty, one cannot be more thankful than I.
(Claudia backstage: awww, Myntie...)
*Claudia rushes out to wave* "Now, please welcome the rabbit of the hour! Ingie herself!"
*Mynt and Claudia walk off together* (Claudia: Myntie that was so good! Have some white chocolate...)

Ingrid walks up to the stage, her expression as blank as always: Hello. I am unsure why I am the rabbit of the hour, or why my face is the icon for this establishment. Meeting all of you, I have felt welcome. On behalf of all of us, thank you for an amazing year of support. Similar to Mynt.. I have met someone who has changed my life in rather substantial ways. My wife, Vallaria... she has protected me since the day we met. She is a beautiful and brave woman, I am most thankful she chose me to spend her days with. Thank you all for such an important year.

From Blazeymix: Hey guys! I don't do this often, but I wanna speak from the heart this year! :D First of all I hope you enjoyed the little thank you from each of my gals. I'd like to do that more often, to do small bits of communication like that with them. Hahaha anyway. 2020 was shaping up to be one of the worst years of my life. Well everyone's really. but speaking personally, Covid didn't change much in my life at all. I spend 99% of my time in my room hahaha. I'm sure a lot of you are like that, and I believe despite what others might say, that it's a lifestyle I enjoy and makes me happy!

When I move in with the dopey Canadian soon, then I'll probably be forced to go out more. Hahaha but then again, the other important person in my life lives in Canada too. I'll go on about her in a minute. 2020 didn't start out great. I had a bit of a falling out with... so many of my friends. Aussie, an important artist here, had far rougher things to deal with than me, and I can't go into those details but.. I stopped getting to see him often starting Dec last year. In November, I had moved back from Washington to California. If some of you didn't know, I lived with my amazing friend Woofle(Composer of Freedom Planet), and we had some amazing times. Mini golf will always be my special activity with her, hahaha. BUT! I moved back to my home state, I lost a very important friend(They will go nameless!), and things just seemed to get quieter and quieter for me at the end of last year. Sallyhot kept me going through all of it.. so I'm grateful to him for that. BUT... then I joined a new community on FFXIV and met Vallie, aka Claudia, aka StealthCat.

If I'm grateful for anything this year, it's the friendship she's given me, its a special friendship I've longed for... for many many years. You might think after losing someone special, that you could never find a friend like that again, a friend who understood you perfectly, and just fit like a glove. I had a friend like that from 2012-2013. This year I met someone even more perfect, and each and every day she and Sallyhot make 2020 the best year of my life.

Aside from the big thanks, I'm also grateful to all of you. I have another big project.. one of many, let's admit. PokeBuns, my own baby... and Sallyhot hasn't been able to keep up with it much as of yet. Despite that, you guys stick around, and seem to enjoy a lot of the new stuff I've been posting. Stuff that's more personal, art that says more about me than anything else. Art of my characters, my ideas, my kinks and even my emotions. I put a lot of myself into my characters and the art I commission. Sharing that with all of you, getting support to bring out my rabbits... has been incredible, it's beyond words. So thank you guys! Thank you so much!

Thanks for reading all of this too, if you're still here hahaha. I'll be posting more art, colouring that sexy Drinking contest pic, and Sallyhot swears he's almost done with a new pinup you guys will love. StealthCat will undoubtedly have more to share, and yeah! Be sure to comment and y'know, have a conversation! I love chatting with you guys, so don't be shy :)
Have a fun day today!!

Art by SonechkaChizhikov on FA: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/sonechkachizhikov/
-Sally Ingrid O. aka Blazeymix




Why isn't Ingrid wearing panties? or pants!!!

George Humleker Jr.

If I have one thing to be grateful for this awful year was you reaching out to me and reconnecting Blazeymix. Hope you had a good one today~

PokeBuns (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-30 11:53:22 That's true! I'm grateful and thankful to have you back in my life, George, always! <3
2020-11-27 06:37:08 That's true! I'm grateful and thankful to have you back in my life, George, always! <3

That's true! I'm grateful and thankful to have you back in my life, George, always! <3