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Hey ya'll! Blazeymix here. :) So! I wanted to start showing you guys some of StealthCat's work and our characters. Mostly because you'll be seeing a lot of them in the near future, plus my Buns ;)

As you can see, that is Ingrid's Final Fantasy XIV version. She's similar to bunny Ingrid in that she's from a place known as the "Void". Right, which I plucked straight out of the Sonic comics and SatAM. Luckily, FFXIV has a Void too, so it was easy to implement the same backstory. Anywho, after joining the brothel, pour Ingrid(who always wears a mask for some unknown reason, not Covid related btw) gets harassed by certain clients. Vallaria meets Ingrid by defending her from such people, and they quickly grow close...

Vallaria is also an Au'Ra, but a Raen, not a Xaela like Ingrid. She has had.. a very rough past, let's say. She's known as the Unbreakable Dragon Princess, and she uses that iron will to defend Ingrid with all of her being. I'm sure when our lovely StealthCat introduces herself she'll be more than happy to give a few more deets about the beautiful Vallaria. Anyway, there's a couple more characters I'll be introducing, and lots of good art(especially smut) from our backlog to share while we work on some new stuff. :) Hope you guys enjoy! <3

Art by StealthCat
