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Hey ya'll! so guess what! I'm painting something ya'll are really gonna dig! and this is just a small teaser! Crazy thing is, I did this with no references, no inks or sketches!!!! it's just.. all ME! :D Suddenly I know how to draw! What? Like.. what? I KNOW! I'm shocked too!!

So ya.. Blazeymix here, if you couldn't yet tell :D I got commissioned to do a comic. but I couldn't draw.. not really. But recently.. I discovered I knew how to draw!!! if I paint it... I can paint things, but drawing with lines? just can't do it. It's like something clicked in my brain, but I learned that if I paint, I can draw what's always been in my head! and here you go, me drawing things good. This is a heck of an angle too. but idk! It wasn't that hard! this is a 2 hour wip I think. And ya, it's dark, but it's a WIP! I'll be making it brighter soon. :)

Anyway! I hope you guys like, I'll be doing a lot more paintings, and practicing a lot. Soon, I'll be doing all these comics myself, no more waiting on slow butt Sallyhot. :P




George Humleker Jr.

I'm really happy you've discovered your talent for painting!! It always made me sad you kept putting your artistic talents down, so it is extremely gratifying to see your confidence in your own talent getting a deserved boost.


Like the saying goes: there is more than one way to skin a ca...er...a hedge...a squir...there is more than one road to Rome! :D;;;