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Hiya everyone, Blazeymix here, I Just wanted to say thank you for all your support this year! We've had a pretty good start, a bit bumpy the past couple months but next year is going to be... AWESOME! I'll be getting back to coloring full time of course, and I'm super excited because I'm learning so many new techniques that I can't wait to put to good use for these comics! Things are looking good for 2016, so please everyone, stay safe and have a wonderful new year and a Merry Christmas!

<3 Blazeymix aka SaL



How does half a vote work? I saw that on your $20 tier.


Hiya! Great question. It works like in typical math. A half a vote is .5 higher than the original number. So 1.5 votes and 2.5 votes count for more than a simple single vote. So when the scores are added up, each .5 is added as well.


Well there is only one spot open for that tier atm. And that spot is currently taken. We may open a second spot in the future, we just want to learn how much we can handle in one month.