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Hey guys! Sallyhot here. Didn't really wanna bombard ya with the same image over and over, but just wanted to say hello cause it's been awhile and I finished lining and flatting this yesterday, so figured I'd share it while I'm at it. So how ya'll been?! Sorry for the absence, 2019 was not my year, but 2020 is lookin up...despite the situation we're in. Hope ya'll are staying healthy and safe out there, scary times for sure...and boring, but we'll do what we can to keep ya entertained in the meantime, keep those spirits up! On the plus, I have a lot more free time now, so it's been a lot easier to get my ducks back in a row and makes finding time for drawing a lot easier too! Hope ya'll are doin ok as well! :)

As Blazey said, we're back to a working schedule every week, and so far we've stuck to it pretty solid, so production is a lot more steady again! 2 days a week we generally work on CoA, the other 2 days we work on comics and pinups and such, with an odd 5th day we reserve for work if we're feeling inspired, so with that work flow we hope to get a lot more done on things, so you can expect a lot more content coming out weekly again! And we're back to streaming every once in awhile, so you can catch those whenever we run them, usually once a week. It's a good way to catch what we're working on long before we post it, and you get to hear us bicker and banter while we're at it, so usually a good time. 

So about the image above, Blazey gave ya some deets already, but figured I'd fill in a bit more. Drawn cutscenes are something I've always wanted in the game, so I'm stoked to finally be working on the first few! This is 1 of 5 panels for this scene, which is gonna be put in the secret stage Blazey is currently building. The secret stage will serve as a test run for future cutscenes and other fun things we're workin to implement into the game mechanics. When we're done with these scenes and the stages, we'll likely release the secret stage as a separate build of the game to test it out, then we'll stash it somewhere in the main game for ya'll to try and find. :P  

There will be a big boss battle at the end, with a nice little prize for winning. ;) 

I may share a few more sketches and WIP's of the next few scenes as I get them done, but I do wanna try and keep some of them exclusive for when you guys get to actually play the secret stage, but we'll see how it goes. 

Anywho, hope you guys are diggin the new content, and can't wait to show ya more! We love hearing from ya too, so feel free to let us know what ya think of the cutscenes and comics and such, or just chat us up and let us know how you're doin! Catch ya again later, stay safe out there! :)




love love love