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Hey guys! Today(Monday, 4/20/20, no we don't smoke btw) we're hosting a private stream for all of you! It will start around 8pm Pacific! GMT -7.00 I think!

Sallyhot is going to work on PokeBuns page 1 inks! and see about finishing that page!
Me on the other hand.. I'm not too sure what I should work on! So I thought I'd ask you guys what you'd like to watch while we chat and hang out! :)

So would you prefer I work on some CoA content? It'd be me working on the game, programming, testing things etc!

Or would you like me to -START- working on Sally's Stealth Mission part 3? :)

For CoA I'm currently working on adding Rings to all the maps, including item boxes, as well as working on a Special Stage zone. OR I could just work on Episode 3 itself and perhaps show off some Fiona Gameplay. Either option, Sallyhot and I would be commentating live on voice chat and answering any questions you guys might have about the game or whatever we're working on!

Alternatively if you guys prefer watching art, I could get started on the next Sally's Stealth Mission. Though most of that work might just be flat colouring so it might not be super excited,  but i'll probably get into some shading too so who knows! The cool thing about streaming colouring that is I could explain my process and commentate what I'm doing.

Please let me know what you guys would like to watch for tonight's Dual-stream!

SO! Should Blazeymix...



Dang, it's actually not too far from a tie! I hope you guys are picking what you'd like to WATCH :P