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SH: Finished Bowsette pinup for October. ^^ 

I don't normally go out of my way to jump on bandwagons, but she just fit the October Halloween theme so damn well! xD That and her design is sexy as heck! So I couldn't resist. x)

I had an alternate set of lines done also, but due to this sucker taking as long as it did, I don't think I'll have the time to finish that version...it was just a cleaner version with less boobs anyway, and I know why you're all here. :P 

So that's one October Pinup down, I may still work on a second Halloween themed pinup for this month, but I'll be focusing on the Halloween episode for CoA first, so another pinup will only be if time permits. Can't wait to get on some new characters for the game! The new maps for the Halloween episode are almost finished, and we've been working on fleshing out the plot as well, so just needs character assets and then Blazey can get on programming for the battles and events. 

So more Halloween themed art rolling out soon and of course I'll be continuing with the art and scary movie streams, so be sure to catch those as I do them! I got many more scary movies to check off the list this year, so can't wait for the next one! :) 

Anywho, let us know what ya think of the new pinup! Until next time Patrons! :D




Nicely done! ^^ It looks like it took sooooo much time to do. Turned out really nice though!


SH: Ya it did. <.> Longer then I would have liked actually, but that's art, never know how long these things gonna take. xD Turned out good though, so was worth the effort. ^^

