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SH: Hiya Patrons. :)

So just wanted to give ya'll an update on what's coming up. I'm workin on getting the next drop completed but it's been a bit slow going last couple weeks, as I've been preparing for a friends wedding that I'm a grooms men for. Been traveling a lot (he lives a few hours away from me) to go to bachelor parties, get fitted for a tux, help them prep and plan, all that good stuff. And like a dummy I offered to draw them something as a wedding gift from me, so I was working on that all week...luckily I got it done, but it put me a bit behind. ^^; Now tomorrow I'm shipping off for the actual wedding which is this weekend, so after this weekend, things won't be so hectic and I'll finally have more time again to get the next drop done for ya'll. Should have it all ready to go for next week, so keep an eye out for that. :)

After the drop, I'll be focusing a lot more of my time into the game for the next little while, get a few more assets drawn up and finally finish as many of the NPC's for Knothole as I can. I'll most likely have one new gal in the next drop as well, a character belonging to WankersCramp, who's been helping us out a ton with things lately. As I understand it, she's a new villainess who the gang will have to dance with soon enough, so should be interesting. 

Also, the winning gal for the next pinup series was Bunnie! In case ya missed it. Thanx to everybody who voted, can't wait to get the new series rolling. Bunnie is always a good time, should be fun. :) 

Anywho, that's all for now peeps, I'll catch ya again soon! 


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