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SH: Hiya Patrons. :)

I know I've been a bit quiet lately, been a hectic couple of months as I've been trying my hand at some game design for various game developers lately, but decided I'd give it a break for awhile...as I have been falling behind here, so just wanted to let ya know I'll be back to focusing on doing some catch up here for awhile and I have a few new items for the next drop coming out soon. Here's a WIP of an Emerald Tier pinup I've been sketching, I'll be finishing this up tomorrow in a stream, figured I'd give a sneak peak of it until then. 

Almost have another page done for the TSP comic as well and I should have some more game assets to share soon of a new NPC/Villian character in the works for our CoA game, hope to have some WIP's of her to share soon as well. :)

I'll also be working on new series of images shortly, similar to the Sally Heroes series I finished recently, but I had a few ideas for some sexy series, so I figured I'd pick a few and let you guys decide which one I work on next. :) So I'll post a new poll tomorrow once I've got a few worked out for ya to choose from. Some ideas include the CoA girls, got another good idea with Lola Bunny I'd love to do plus a few other ideas. I'll narrow em down and let you guys choose tomorrow, then hopefully I can get a first image in the new series finished before the next drop as well. 

Anywho, enjoy the sketch Wip for this new pinup, hope to finish this plus the Blits pinup tomorrow and I may do it all in stream tomorow night, so keep an eye for that. Catch ya soon patrons! :) 




I love this xD


Cut him some slack Bunnie, those are the most famous tits in the entire kingdom, and everyone has missed them since she started wearing a shirt