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Hiya! BM here, and I wanted to talk about some cool plans for CoA DLC. ^^ Aside from the Season pass we got planned, which will come with 4 story packs and a character each, we're looking into adding costumes for each character that you can get via crates in game.

Each crate can be bought with in-game scraps, or you can spend a little real life cash and get some premium crates with a guaranteed rare skin for Princess Sally ^^

Also planned are some pretty awesome pre-order bonuses with a free extra chapter available day one for those who pre-order, as well as Hard Mode! So ya, we hope you guys look forward to the cool DLC coming soon during the Early Access period we'll be launching on Steam. :P See ya there!



Ah, CoA. Come for the potential smut, stay for the actual game. XD


Lol you guys almost got me!


But....is it REAAAAALLY an April fools day prank? Or an elaborate hoax to surprise us with these things!? The world may never know..


I for one wouldn't mind a classic 'vest and boots only' costume, though. (cough)


Launching on Steam sounds like a pretty good way to get the living shit sued out of you, so I'm leaning towards the former. :|a