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Hello everyone!

Yes, you've read the title correctly. It is me, hintofmint from Inkbunny (or some of you may know me as my SFW name, ten-heart). I'm the one who has made some pin-up pieces for a few months last year.

I'm gonna try to keep things short since I do tend to babble a lot ha ha. Well firstly, I am proud to say that I am now part owner of the Team Acorn Patreon page! Blazeymix and Sallyhot are here too, of course, but after updating Blazeymix about everything going on in my life, she and Sallyhot have opened their arms to me to play a bit of a bigger role here! I'm so thankful to have amazing friends like them who support me during my darkest times. <3

Again, I am HintofMint. Some people refer to me as Mint or Ten. Either works for me! I am currently a full-time student in college studying digital art. I'm currently a junior. College does take up most of my time, so I may not be as active on here as Blazeymix or Sallyhot, but I'm going to try to make it a habit to be around more. 

(Mental Illness warning) You see, I deal with a nasty depression and it interfered with my work for months, hence why you guys have not seen many pictures from me on here or on any of my other pages. I want to personally apologize to you guys from not being so active and not being able to provide pin-ups and comic pages. My goal now is to make up for that, even if it takes baby steps. I want to give back to you guys for being such amazing and understanding patrons. Sallyhot and Blazeymix appreciate all of the support immensely and so do I!

Will I still be making pictures for the Team Acorn Patreon page? Of course! You can expect me to make the same kind of pictures that Blazeymix and Sallyhot have been posting for me on here. It may not be four images a month though. Could be more, could be less, it really depends on how I am doing in school, but I do not want to disappoint you guys! I will also resume the "Kate's Bathtime" comic soon.

If you guys have any questions for me, please let me know. I'm excited to work on some projects for Team Acorn and I can't wait for everyone to see! 

Take care!




Ten! Great to hear from you again! ^^ Congratulations! =3


Nice to hear. Good luck with your classes. I hope you produce artwork at a pace that you are comfortable with.


Hi there and congratulations!