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Hey guys! Blazeymix here :)
Well, y'know... I was thinkin to myself tonight how grateful I am with the fact that you folks support what Sallyhot and I do and I just find that amazing! and then I realized well, I never really chat with anybody here, and I really wanna change that! SO, let's have a chat! Introduce yourself, or ask questions, or just talk about anything and I'll respond to ya'll :) I'm sure Sallyhot will pop by too.

but I'd really love to talk to you guys, talk to the peeps supporting us every month. ^^ Don't be shy, please chat!

To start the convo, I'll give a little info about myself. My name is Sally, some of you might know this if ya'll follow me on FA or have been following Sallyhot and come by this information in comments or something. (apparently some people find it hot a gal named Sally works on Sally porn art? lol!)

I'm in my mid twenties, from the US, and I'm obviously a huge Sonic fan. My original pen name when I posted art to Deviantart was SaL, and when I made an account on FA to send Sallyhot a PM telling him how much I love his art(before we met), I chose Blazeymix as my account name. Folks grew to know me by Blazeymix so I changed my Pen name to SaL the Blazeymix, and eventually just Blazeymix.

So! with that outta the way, I really hope that the Spyro remake rumor is true! and I can't wait to find out what the new Battlefield is this year! (I'm all the way Battlefield. CoD suuuucks! :P)

So come on, guys! Let's chat :)

ideas for stuff to talk about:
We could talk about...
-Chronicles of Acorn
-Taking Sally's Pie
-Sonic related media/games/comics
-video games/movies
-youtube (I LOOOVE AVGN)
-pets (Like my kitty Adam West)
-Favorite stuff



What were your initial thoughts on the archie Reboot's designs?


Did not like Sally's. She didn't need clothes, and it just felt like a stab at her character to give her em. but they were cute I guess. Hated the lack of cheek fluff though. Nicole, I loved her new outfit, so it was fine with me. Reminded me of Blaze's outfit a lot. What about you?

Regless Maximus

Hey all. I go by the name Regless online. I am a Canadian and yes. my computer is in fact being powered by moose walking on a treadmill. It is the only form of electricity we have up here. I've been into video games for decades, ever since I seriously considered smashing the window to my friends place so I could break in and play more final fantasy II. I'm a sucker for the classics and Sally Acorn is one of my all time favorite characters. Damn I hope she ends up in the new comic in some form or another.


omg cool! I love Canadians! I'm dating one after all :P (Sallyhot is canadian) You guys have so many funny jokes about yourselves. I bet you love South Park? haha Yeah Sally Acorn is something special isn't she? I seriously hope she makes it to the new series... otherwise, well, no more Sally ever I guess. which is depressing as heck :( BUT! That's one reason Sallyhot and I started up CoA. To keep Sally alive in our own way. I hope my writing does her justice thus far and in the future.


I've been a Sonic fan practically since birth and grew up with Adventure era Sonic. I was a backseat gamer most of my life so the first game I manged to beat was the ps2 version of Unleashed. I've always wanted to experience every piece of the franchisee I could get my hands on, from games, to shows, to comics. Especially the Archie Comics which I grew to adore and honestly started hate getting via illegal downloading since it was cathartic to actually own them, but thats just how it had to be at the time. I wouldnt actually call myself a furry, I wont deny when a character or piece of art is fap worthy regardless of species or otherwise, I just think if it's hot it's hot. I've grown especially fond of the Mongooses from archie. From Mina to Isabella to Melody (esp Melody).


I actually feel like the amount of Sonic related porn is dying out and becoming more of a quality than quantity then. especially if palcomix seeming stopping.


Are there any Sonic characters you don't like? Either because of design or character?


I dont like Big. His character hurts my brain. I dont like Amy, cause she's always been very dumb over Sonic. and I dont find her that cute either. Just a pink hedgehog haha. The "girl" hedgehog. I despise Geoffrey St John. I dont care much for Rouge. I guess everybody finds her hot but I never could. I dont like Jet. With Jet it's his character and horrid voice. Geoffrey...... he stole a kiss from Sally. I hate him to death for that.


St. John was definitely the "Poochie" of the comic. Besides Sonic, what other fandoms/series would you like to draw comics for?

Kirk Findlay

I am also hoping the spyro remakes are real, unfortunately I switched over to Xbox back in the 360 days because I played on my cousins xbox alot whenever we were over there to play Halo, and I've kept it up with the xbox one. My dad realized this and one christmas he surprise bought an xbox 360 under my moms nose. With the Crash remake and hopefully the spyro remake, and I even hear rumours of the jak trilogy(plus JakX racing) coming down the road I may be forced to buy one now that I have a job from pure nostalgia alone.

Regless Maximus

I initially hated Amy. She was... ugh... I don't usually call characters mary sues because theres so many different types of sue but she definately felt like one. a Girly clique fan insert whose only purpose to be brainless and helpless whenever it really mattered so sonic could look cool saving her. Then I read the Archie comics. She's actually got a personality, and is heroic. Dare I say she actually added to the plotline instead of sinking it. So yeah. In general I am now a fan of her at this point. *Sally is still better* As for characters I hate. Didn't really like chip. not a huge fan of big. Rouge I like more as a villian than a pseudo good gal. Knuckles I don't like seeing as a side kick all the time. Usually it's more how the characters are done than the characters themselves.

Regless Maximus

Oh man have you seen the reboot reboot yet... I hope it's a gag and not the real thing.


My problem with Amy was based largely on Sonic X. I never liked those types of characters in anime. Overprotective, and bossy. Luckily I had been reading the comics longer so I didn't hate her outright.


Top 3 Sonic Girls: Nicole, Bunnie, Blaze. Discuss :3


SH: I can answer that one. My second favorite furry gal is Lola Bunny, so I really wanna do a comic with her sometime. Have this sort of "what if" story in my head, as in what if the Tune Squad lost the game. Or maybe even a half time story where Lola realizing the team has no chance of winning the game, decides to seduce the Aliens during half time and make a new sexual deal with them so they'll throw the game. Anywho, lots of ideas there. Needless to say though the next comic I try to work on, I'm gonna avoid a story with to much exposition....just get right to the action. xD


SH: Nicole has grown on me, I hated her design at first, but I really liked the idea of her having a body rather then just being the handheld, so I warmed up to her eventually. These days I've come to really like her. xD Bunnie has always been a favorite of mine, ever since the first issue of Sonic she appeared in (I started with the comic when it first came out in 93), just an interesting character I've always thought...and sexy as hell of course, a good secondary female character to Sally I always felt. As for Blaze...I still don't really care for her honestly. ^^; But I don't know her very well either. Haven't played any of the games she's in and I dropped out of reading the comics years before she was ever introduced. So that could have something to do with it...that and I'm pretty old school. I prefer the characters from the SatAM and Genesis era, long before Sonic started to stumble. ^^; One of my other favorite girls is Lupe...that's a character I feel doesn't get enough attention.


Yay for more Lupe, but how about Leeta and Lyco? Those are some awesome twins that need more attention.


SH: Well hey, this is a fun idea. Guess I'll throw my hat in the ring. xD I'm from Central Canada, the very flat part full of prairies and farmers, small towns and grid roads everywhere. Lived here my whole life, can't see me living anywhere else really. I'm old enough that I actually predate Sonic by a few years actually, so I've been a fan of his since the very first game came out and I actually started my comic collection with issue 1 of Sonic, still have it too...but it's pretty damn beat up...since I was like 7 when I got it. xD Started taking an interest in drawing when Spaz started doing the covers, got my hands on some tracing paper and started tracing his covers until I could almost do them free hand. Then I started drawing my own stuff...teachers hated it cause I'd draw on everything. xD My old textbooks were actually my earliest sketch books. Then I kinda stopped drawing after highschool, got into music playing guitar. I also love punk rock, so I played in a couple bands, toured Canada a few times, pretty much spent the earlier part of my 20's partying and playing shows every weekend. Was a good time, but good times end eventually. After my main band broke up, that's around the time I got back into drawing, this time taking it a bit more seriously. The rest is history I guess. xD I don't just draw smut either, it's really only about half of what I do drawing wise. I also do some T-shirt designs and character design stuff under a different pen name...though thanx to this being a more lucrative option (sex sells) I do focus on this stuff a tad more. Aside from music and drawing, I do a lot of skateboarding in my free time. So those are my main interests, I can't really say I'm much of a gamer, I prefer the classics over modern games. Though I am a huge fan of Starcraft and RTS games in general. Anywho, there's a bit more about me. ^_^ Feel free to ask me stuff if you'd like.


Blaze is cool If a bit of a shut in, Hi I'm Milambre7, btw . I'm super late to this chat but I wanted to say something. I think the chat with the patrons is a great idea! My fave character is Sally, she always seemed refreshingly different from the other girls in the franchise we wasn't a fan-girl, or broken in some fundamental way in which Sonic needed to fix with his "throw your head back and run!" mentality she seemed a great complimentary character to Sonic. That being said i don't hate any of the characters really except for Tommy "effing" Turtle! not a fan. Lupe is cool too there is a character who didn't need any rebooting IMO. I find almost no one who objects to Nicole. there are some villains I like too I found myself sympathizing with Regina Ferrum and Lien-Da not their views but there stories were interesting!

Kirk Findlay

Oh amn I just did and the idea is already bad. Cause it sounds like real life people are being sucked into the cyberspace instead of how it originally was with the characters all being programs.


BM: I've told you this before, SH,but the next comic we do is gonna be my idea, so dont go making promises like that just yet. :P


Any parings you prefer?


BM: You're dad sounds sweet :) Though I've never been an xbox fan. I've always been firmly a Sony gal, and Nintendo. What's this "reboot reboot" thing you guys talk about?


BM: I do lov3 those gals, but come on. Sally is number 1 always! For me, top gals are Sally, Blaze, and Clove. I just love gals with elegance to them, and that aura of mysteriousness and power. Clove has a similar look to Blaze, they both have that sharp stare, and I've always loved that x) but yeah I adore Nicole, both designs, and Bunnie is awesome too.


BM: Ahem. I feel like a large chunk of your history from the past 6 years are missing from this bio ;)


BM: I'm glad you dig this patron chat thing! I thought it was a neat idea, and I really wanted to have a dialogue with the folks who support us, instead of the usual silence. I figure if peeps are gonna be helping us each month, we should chat with em and get em more involved! It's more about showing my appreciation for the support and loyalty, you guys are truly amazing! and it does feel good to make art that folks willingly pay to keep production going. if it wasn't for you guys, truly Sallyhot would likely be gone all year like in 2016 so he could work his butt off to raise money for the game and to live. And I'd be in financial trouble for sure, I work at home! We're able to work at home comfortably thankx to all ya'll, so thanks a bunch as always x)


BM: Hey, I got a good typical question! Favorite Sonic game? :) Mine: From the Genesis era Sonic 2, from the Adventure era, Sonic Heroes. From the modern era, Sonic Generations. and favorite of all time? might be Mania haha :)


Well if that the case: -I'm also in my twenties as well and been in my twenties for a while now but not too long thankfully. -I enjoyed Sonic but I never got the chance to play his games on any Sega console as I was playing Mario games on the Nintendo consoles. The first Sonic game I played has to be Sonic 3, I really like trying to go fast and getting all the chaos emeralds when I was younger. I also play the Sonic Adventures games too. - I didn't know Sonic had his own comic until later as a pre-teen when I looked at the cover issues from Sonic Mega collection. I didn't even get that involve with the comics until youtube and reading some of them. Soon after I paid an subscription to get some of the comics. By the time I was into the comics the comic was already at issue one-hundred and eighty four. After the subscription, I still view the comic through other means. -My favorite paring has to probably be AntoinexBunnie, there just something about that paring that me make enjoy it and I don't know why. I still enjoy SonicxSally paring as well. -I am a gamer for life and I can't to play the FF7 Remake and Kingdom Hearts 3 when they both come out. I'll been saving up money for a nintendo switch now and over have enough to buy one. Well I think that it for now I guess.

Kirk Findlay

Ya he's pretty cool. But Reboot was a show back in the early 2000's, it was completely 3D animated which was very hard to do at the time. Unfortunatly it looks like they are rebooting it and it already looks terrible. The show was basically characters inside a computer, every character was a program, or glitch, or a virus. The main characters protected the computer from viruses and stuff along those lines. I am not doing it much justice explaining like this but it was a fun show that actually tried its best to use the 3D animation even when it was expensive and new.


BM: Sonic and Sally! always :) I despise Blaze and Silver. Other than that, not really! What about you?


Oh I dont really ship, but I love seeing art erotic or otherwise of Sally and Nicole or Sally and Bunnie


classic: Sth3&K. Adventure: Adventure 1, Modern: Generations, Handheld: Rush and Rush Adventure Racing: Sonic Riders, Non platforming spinoff: Battle


WOuldnt this be easier with a discord?


We do have one. :) though live chat is different than a forum/post style chat like this. We might not have time to chat live! We'll consider it though.

Regless Maximus

They also did beast wars transformers. Two of the greatest shows on at the time. And Dot was hot as hell.

Regless Maximus

Sonic x Sally, Tails x Rouge, Tails x Vanilla, Knuckles x Rouge. As for non sonic pairings. Takato and Rika. Spidey and Black Cat. Aang x Toph, Zuko x Katara, Azula x Zuko.

Regless Maximus

I've got a question. I've seen a lot of art of the gals of the sonic universe but I haven't much of sonic yet. Is he a main character in this or does he take more of a backseat role?


For CoA, Sonic is presumed "???" He was defeated by Robotnik, definitely captured, but whether he was killed, or roboticized, or w/e remains to be seen.


SH: I assume you're talking about CoA. Well, he's in it, but he won't be for awhile. The story goes that the team was on a big mission to Robotropolis to hopefully loosen his grip on Mobius, but it was a set up and half of the team, namely the guys, were captured. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Antoine also, most of them captured. So for now most of the team is either captured or on the run, trying to make their way back to knothole. So now the girls gotta build up their strength again so they can make a rescue attempt. So it's a switch of roles. The guys are the damsels in distress in this one. xD


What's everybody's favorite ice cream flavor? Mine in Mint chocolate chip .