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Hiya folks! Blazeymix here. So I wanted to tell ya'll a few things about the upcoming Hard Mode update for Episode 2, which is gonna be released here in a couple days! I wanted to make it for today but admittedly I'm doing a lot of extra testing and polishing of the fights to try and make sure they're not too easy and not too hard.

So if there's one thing to be excited about with this upcoming update, it's the fact that Fiona will be fully playable for the entire Hard Mode episode! I decided to add her in so ya'll can play as her without having to wait for Episode 3 ^^; It's starting to look like Half Life 3 isn't it? :P Taking forever!

Fiona as some of you know by now, is the medic of the group. Her skills specialize in both healing her team very effectively, but also harassing the enemies with debuffs and status effects. She has the Field Medic commands, and the Sabotage Commands. You can guess which does what. :P

For the time being Fiona doesn't have any type of Rotation like Sally and Bunnie do, mostly because she's mainly meant for healing and debuffing rather than doing damage. That job is Sally's and soon Nicole's. Even so, she's an incredibly valuable asset to the team with her powerful heals, so hopefully you guys enjoy using her when the update is rolled out.

Now, as far as Hard Mode is concerned... This one is pretty hard, I'm not gonna lie. :P   I mean, it's for those who enjoy high difficulty, high reward type gameplay in their RPGs. Think Raids in MMOs and you got the idea.
Still, the way they're designed, if you learn and know the mechanics and you know your party's moveset and skills, you can get through each battle without too much hassle. A lot is based on luck but most of the fights have mechanics to them that might not be obvious at first but once you battle em a few times you'll get it if you pay attention to your moves and the hints provided by the dialogue.

Completing the battles in Hard Mode will reward very powerful gear for the party. So its worth it if you want the best gear possible atm. :)

So right now 2 bosses are nearly finalized, just need to do some extra testing. 

So! to summarize my rambling:
Episode 2 Hard Mode coming in a few days!

Feature List:
-Hard Mode added after episode 2 completion
-New events
-Fiona joins the party!
-Entire moveset for Fiona from levels 1-20 added
-New S Gear from Hard Mode battle completions.
-Revamped dungeon enemies
-2 or 3 hard revamped bosses



Can't wait to play and get my butt kicked some more xD Also excited to see Fiona ^^