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Hi ya'll! So I wanted to give you the skinny on what's goin down for Feb :)
First I'll start off with some good news/bad news.
The bad news is, my Cintiq 13HD broke :/ and I have to RMA it, which is why coloring has been so slow in January for me >.<. I bought a new tablet, but that came defective! >:/   So.. i have to RMA that as well. So the bad news is I can't finish the colors for TSP right away. (We'll add the dialogue though so you guys can still enjoy the new pages.)

Now for the good news! We have the inks for pages 7-9 now :) and this month we're doing another page! So we'll have 4 new pages! More good news for CoA fans, this month is officially CoA month. So we'll be focusing mostly on CoA content so we can get you guys a new playable build by the end of Feb!

I'll be hard at work on the game while my tablet is off to Wacom to be fixed. So I'll be updating ya'll several times throughout the month on what I'm working on, screenshots and all that good stuff. ^^ Meanwhile, Sallyhot will be working on some raffle stuff, art for CoA, and a new TSP page. :) We'll also be posting more new music for you OST lovers out there. Thanks for supporting as always guys ^^ This month is gonna be awesome!



Sounds Dope! Except for the broken tablet part sorry to hear it! Real excited to see your new CoA stuff too!


Sounds good! CoA is the reason I backed your patreon.