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Hiya guys, Blazeymix here, just wanted to say thanks for an awesome year and thanks for supporting us, even though we didn't do a good job delivering on the comic side of things.. ^^;

we did get a lot accomplished with the game, even if it doesn't seem that way playable wise, a lot has been done in the background side of things, and we're really happy with how things are going with that.

So with a new year comes changes, and I wanna let ya'll know what's goin down for 2018 :)

The first thing is, a focus on our comic. We want one new page a month minimum for 2018, that's our goal. :) Hopefully some months we can even do two, you never know! That being said, pages 7 and 8 have been inked, and I'll be doing the coloring myself soon so look out for those January. ;)

The next thing is, we're gonna be removing the Special Zone tier and Ultimate Supporter tier, as we feel there are a bit too many tiers and we wanna simplify things, focus things a bit. ^^; We might even get rid of Sonic CD as well, and just give Sonic or Emerald tier the soundtrack by default, we'll see how that goes.

Other changes may be made to the tiers, we want to try to make sure each one feels unique and gives rewards that are worth the donation, so we'll be taking another look at things and seeing if anything needs tweeking.

The game will be my primary focus, and I'm hoping to do a picture series for you guys this year that I'll be drawing myself. We'll see how that goes, I still have a lot to learn with drawing and we all know we're really here for Sallyhot's art ^^;

Anyway, January specifically you're gonna see two new fully colored TSP pages(7 + 8) as well as new pinups and art that pertains to CoA, which we'll be working hard on in Jan for a late Feb. release of episode 3. So ya'll can expect comics, pinups, new music for CoA, and new concept art/assets in Jan. :) We hope to seeya there. Happy New Year everyone! <3


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