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Hey guys, Blazeymix here. So I'm aware a lot of folks are here for the comic, ^^; and yeah there hasn't been a new page in something like... 6 or 7 months. Which sux, cause we planned on this comic being done by the end of this year actually? And I could give ya a detailed reason why it simply hasn't happened yet, but I doubt ya'll are lookin for excuses ^^;

Well the good news is it's not cancelled or on hiatus or anything like that. We haven't forgotten about it. I want to promise a new page each and every month, but I'm simply not the one that draws em. Sallyhot is.. ^^;
Well, let's just say I'm sure he'll give ya'll the scoop on what's going on with TSP with his own words, I really dont wanna speak for him about this.

I will say, that balancing CoA for folks who want to see the game, and TSP for folks who want to see the comic, SHOULD be a priority. Ya, we suck at keeping our sights on something for long, but we're serious and dedicated about CoA, and we need to show that same love for you comic fans too; for TSP.

I suppose what I'm getting at is, if you're here for the comics, we hear ya, and we're gonna try our best to make some changes. Just bare with us, and thank you for supporting us. Even if some words you might have for us are harsh, it can open our eyes and benefit everybody when we see what we're messing up on. So dont be afraid to let us know when you want to see a new comic page or new pinups or w/e you're here for. We wanna make ya happy after all ^^

I'm going to chat with Sallyhot about this more of course, and I'll get back to you or he will with more news regarding Taking Sally(s) Pie. I noticed the feed is flooded with CoA related news and content. Let's see if we can change that! :P Stay tuned...



Well, it’s good to know that you’re still doing the comic, I can understand two different projects can be difficult to maintain, but I’ve got faith in all of you


Glad to hear the comic hasn't been forgotten. It's the only reason I pledged to this page. I've honestly been really tempted to leave lately.


BM: Totally understandable! We can't pretend to be perfect, we mess up a lot when it comes to what we should be doing ^^; Still, when we see folks are upset we've been so quiet on the comic, we really wanna make it up them! I know words are just words, so I'd rather just prove it to ya'll with some new pages. ^^ That being said, I really appreciate you stickin' around anyway and I'm sorry we haven't been delivering on our promises. We're learning as we go! Rest assured, TSP is gonna switch to a higher if not top priority. I still need to chat with Sallyhot about this, we're gonna be doing so in a bit. ^^