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So I've been keeping this theme to myself for quite a long time actually. Hi again, Blazeymix here, and I wanted to say thank you to all of you guys for supporting us :)

December is really gonna be awesome for art content especially, but anyway, the file I'll be linking/attaching here is our official World Map theme for CoA. We wanted to save this for when the party finally makes it to the world map, but seeing as how we decided the main game is going to take place INSIDE the Great Forest and Robotropolis... well we wont be seeing the World Map for.. probably a couple years at least ^^;

So what the hay! We're releasing this theme for you guys to enjoy, it's probably my favorite piece of the OST right now, and I sincerely hope this theme conveys our love and passion for Princess Sally, Sonic, SatAM, the comics, and this game. :) Special thanks to our incredible composer Cilantro for their amazing work.

For a limited time all tiers will be getting this theme. :) Grab it before we lock it to Sonic CD! Also, please dont share this online! (Friends are ok)

Let us know if you like the theme!

Note: This isn't the same World Map theme as we had given out around a year ago! This one is considerably different! :)

To Sonic CD Tier and up: I'll be posting a few themes for ya'll very soon! :) Some new, some possibly in game as well as a full list of all the ones we've released for you thus far in one post. ^^



That is in fact a pretty good world map theme


I'll give this a listen when i get home, i dont thing my phone can handle .ogg files :)


Sounds a little distorted to me at the beginning but I like it overall.


Thanks for sharing with us!


Very odd. It shouldn't sound distored. I'm listening to the file now and it's.. perfect! Perhaps try to download it again. Either way, I'll be making a youtube video of it so you may hear it un-distorted.