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SH: The finished colors for the last of this years Halloween pinups. Little late to the party, but why not extend Halloween a little longer I say! >:D

This was a fun pinup, I've always wanted to draw the lovely Fifi La Fume. So that's another fan fav of mine ticked off the list. ^_^ Full disclosure as well, this pinup was greatly influenced by a Bride of Frankenstein rock poster I've always really liked. Points to you if ya find it, the artist is really great as well! ^_^

So that wraps up Halloween 2017. ^_^ Was a super fun one this year and I'm glad I was finally able to do a lot more on the art front this go! Between workin on costumes, workin on pinups and other Halloween shenanigans...I'm very impressed I was able to keep up! Well...mostly anyway. xD 

So now for Nov, I'll be playing a little catch up, focusing on a few projects I've fallin behind on, so afraid there won't be any new pinup polls from me this Nov, but you can bet we'll have a new one for ya'll in Dec. ^_^

Also gonna be focusing as much as I can on the game again for the next couple months. We're shooting to have the Alpha for Episode 3 ready for Xmas, so we're all gonna be workin hard on that over the next little while. In some unfortunate news however, we've decided it best to shelf the Halloween side mission for now. We didn't have all the assets we wanted in time, and rather than half ass it and release it out of season, we're making the hard decision to focus on Episode 3 instead for right now and then pick things up again next Halloween. With everything I had on the go this Halloween, sadly I wasn't able to fit everything I wanted into the mix. v.v But the good news is, we're not scrapping the Halloween themed side mission, but it is being benched for the time being. We apologize to those who were looking forward to that, we hope to make it up to ya'll with a much more polished Episode 3 instead! 

Episode 3 will be a change of pace in the game, with the first real intro to Knothole Village! This section will see the gang getting a chance to chill and regroup for a little while, with a bit more focus on open exploring of the village, meeting and interacting with more of the cast of characters and with a few fun side quests and challenges as well! Also, Fiona will be joining the team, so lots of new things to come with the next Episode! :)

Anywho, enjoy the new pinup for now! Lots more on the way! :)




Is TSP going to be continued?

