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SH: Work done in tonights stream!

So as we mentioned, we're currently racing to finish a quick Halloween themed side mission for CoA, that we hope to release Halloween day for ya'll! Without givin away to much, here's a concept WIP for the character that will feature in the side quest. ^_^ 

Got a lot more to do for this quest, but we can't wait to show ya more of what we're workin on! :) Gonna have some cool puzzles involving all 4 girls and hopefully if all goes well, maybe even a first cut scene! Might be iffy though with the cutscene, between all the pinups and me workin on my Halloween costume when I can find time, I'm a bit busy busy busy! xD I'll be putting out the extra effort anyhow, but don't worry, gonna be a fun addition to things either way. ^_^

Enjoy the WIP for now peeps, more stuff comin soon! :)




Nice design for witch mittens! Looks like an evil version of Kate!


Looks great. Can't wait to see in her the game.