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SH: Hey everyone! Just me again bringing ya the results from the latest pinup poll. The winning girl for the next Halloween pinup is none other then the lovely Tikal! :)

There were actually a lot of votes for Hershey as well, but not quite enough to take the spot from the keeper of Chaos herself! Hey, here's a character I actually know from the series! 3rd Echidna girl is the charm I guess. xD 

Ya, couldn't help but notice, this will be the 3rd time I draw an Echidna girl in just the last 2 weeks. You guyz goin through an Echidna kick I should know about? :P 

No worries though, just teasin. xD I'm havin fun with these and I've always wanted to draw Tikal. ^_^

So I guess I should maybe find some way to incorporate Chaos into this next pinup...since it is Monsters vs. Space girls after all...would pretty much be equivalent to an awkwardly missed high five if I didn't. xD

So new pinups coming this week from me, the finished colors for the Lara-su Nun pinup and Sexy Space Cadet Tikal vs. the Chaos from Another World! Working title...I'll stew on that one a bit. <.<



what can I say? echidnas are sexy!


between Hershey and Tikal it just seems like animals only found in Australia seem to do it for us. I know there are platypus, kangaroo, dingo, emu, and devil characters in the franchise but all of the named characters of those animal types I can think of are male...As for Chaos, the only gelatinous space monster I can think of is the Blob, but that isn't very sexy...