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SH: Work finished in tonights stream! :)

The finished design of Many on the far left with a couple extra expressions sketched out on the right. Mandy is our first NPC but she's also one of the first you'll meet in game with side quests to offer, so as such she'll have a few extra expressions to go along with her. 

Been fun workin on her lately anway, can't wait to find her in Knothole once we got her a sprite whipped up for Chapter 3 of CoA. 

On that front, Blazey has been workin a lot this week on Chapter 2 to get things ready soon, so should have another Alpha build of the game coming soon for ya'll, this time around we've added Bunnie to the party! Which I'm pretty excited about, can't wait to give her a try in battle! x) 

Anyways, enjoy this little NPC sneak peek peeps. Catch ya again soon! :)  




She is looking fanriffic! Can't wait to see her hanging out in Knothole


This is cool! I can't wait to play the update! Plus it'll be fun to strategize with two on the team. The stakes were so high with just Sally and one turn!