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Hey guys, BM here. I know it's been awhile since I've shown up around here ^^;  Sorry about that, it's for good reason though, I promise.

I haven't said much because I haven't been able to do much work on the game lately. My health got better for a bit in the beginning of Aug then took a nosedive again. So it's been hard. Still, the game is a-go, stuff is being worked on in the background, we got a ton more music, more sprites too.

So Chapter 2 is probably over half finished, most of the level design is done, all that's left is adding the story events to em and any extra stuff like quests. Then I gotta finish polishing Bunnie's moveset and stats, and design enemies for the dungeon and the bosses. Overall, I can get this done within a decent amount of time, I just have to be healthy enough to work on things. I'm getting there though, after like 5 straight days of mostly sleeping, I've been feeling better the past couple days.

Anyway, I wanted to let ya'll know what's goin on with CoA. My health has caused delays, and I'm sorry about that >.< but it's comin, and it's gonna be awesome. Especially the new music! Anyway, thanks for sticking around guys, about 98% of you did(Plus we got a lot of new peeps, welcome guys!)! You're all amazing and very generous, we love you for it <3

As far as release date goes, I dont wanna make promises at this point but my health is looking better lately, so I should be able to work again more consistently. When I get some more work done, and I get a feel for how much I can work, I'll give ya'll an estimated release date. It SHOULDN'T be past September though, I definitely want chapter 2 out before the end of Sept. Anywho, thanks for reading and supporting <3

P.S. Loads of art content coming in Sept. A new picture series starring Amy and Blaze is coming from Tenheart(for the peeps that dont care for OC), and the picture series starring Nicole and Kate(My OC) is still coming! We'll see all of that in Sept ^^ So enjoy! <3



Awsome glad to know you're recovering, I'm excited to see the stuff you got coming out this month whenever it happens! As always take care and stay positive! Honesty I don't care what any body says I'm diggin the late an Nicole thing already!


She’s telling the truth a lot of work has been done on the game! And I can’t wait for you guys to see how it all comes out. Blazey makes it sound like she’s hasn’t been working, but the truth is, she’s been working a lot. She basically manages the team, making sure everyone is doing their jobs, and how things should be done. I'm 100% sure I couldn’t do my job very well if it wasn’t for her helping me out so much. ^^: And she has to put up with me, which is a hard job by itself XD