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Heya Patrons, Sallyhot here. :)

So recently I believe you've all noticed a bit of an upturn in content being pumped out. I've been trying to be more productive as of late, cause I've noticed that I tend to waste a lot of my time, mostly cause I'm terrible at managing myself...when left with the choice of working or chilling, well... chilling usually tends to win when you're your own boss. ^^; It's a trap I think a lot of freelancers fall into if they're not careful. 

So, last couple weeks I've been trying something new to remedy that, where I've been taking my time a lot more seriously. Part of that comes with eventually creating a schedule for myself and then honoring and respecting that schedule. I've already set aside 2 official days out of every week for drawing and it has worked wonders for my productivity level last couple weeks, with just those 2 days alone! So now I'm bumping that up to 5 days a week and setting certain days up as special work days. So to make it more official, here is those work days for ya'll, so ya know what's goin down. :)

Mondays will be a pinup day where I work on either a voting poll pinup, a team pinup, or an Emerald Tier Flat Color commission pinup. Twice a month I'll be drawing for the Emerald Tier and up supporters, picking 2 of you for a flat color commission, I'll most likely stream those nights as well, shooting to have the pinup finished start to finish during the stream. I should mention that I'm shooting for 2 flat color commissions a month but sometimes I may only be able to get 1 done, but I will do my best. ^_^ 

Tuesdays and Thursdays I will work on either comic stuff or game stuff. Focusing more on the TSP comic for this month, seein as I really need to get that sucker completed, so I can get onto some new comic ideas cause I have plenty. Some of these nights I may stream, but it'll depend. 

Wednesdays and Sundays will be my toss up days. I'll either work on comics, pinups or game stuff, depending on what I'm feeling more into or what needs more of my attention. 

Fridays and Saturdays rest days. Like any normal dude, I need my days, and those are when I'm most likely to head out and do stuff. If I'm bored enough though and not up to much else, I could art these days too, but ya, will depend how I'm feelin. xD 

So I am going to do my very best to stick to this scheduling. I've been learning from some artists I really admire, that a solid schedule is what really helped them turn up their production from 0 to 11, which is what I really want at the end of the day is to keep the art flowing for you guyz, as well as myself Because I'm at my best when I'm drawing and working on stuff and I personally like me at my best. So ya, gonna make that a thing! ^_^ If anything, it's a heck of a lot better system then what I have been running for years now....which was pretty much 'do I feel like it...no...maybe...IDK..." xD

In other stuff, we're also gonna be having a guest artist on board with us each month, starting with our friend TenHeart! I'm sure you've already noticed her stuff kickin around....not to mention Blazeymix has told you this already....so I'm just being redundant at this point. xD 

We were already kind of doing this off and on as it is, but now we're gonna try and do it more on the regular and each month we'll keep you updated on who the current guest artist/artists are and what they're workin on for ya. Just another way we're shooting to make our Patreon a lot more epic and consistent for you guyz! ^_^

Anywho, today is Pinup day for me! So expect another pinup from me soon. xD 




Glad to hear TSP is making a comeback


Great to hear! ^^ But just one slight point, Tenheart's a girl. XD A very sweet one at that and an amazing artist. =3 So I'll look forward to that!


BM: I'm glad you mentioned this! I was gonna correct him myself :P


Thought you might BM. ^^ I've commissioned Ten quite a few times, so I saw it and thought 'hold up, that's not right!' XD