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Our top winner of the CoA Baddie Design Contest whipped up this here thank you image, just wanted to share it with ya'll cause it was pretty cool of him to do and it looks great! ^_^ Cool thing I guess about having 3D renders of characters, you can rework them how you see fit after the fact. xD 

Not sure what he plans to do with the girls now, but we were super stoked to see our designs rendered in 3D non the less. If ya bug him enough maybe he'll offer them up for everyone. ;) He's currently working on Nicole from what I understand, sadly wasn't able to squeeze her into the final image deadline, but 3 outta 4 aint bad. xD 

If ya wanna see more of Rotalice' stuff, just check this handy dandy link here. http://rotalice2.deviantart.com/

All in all it was a very successful Contest and we can't wait for the next one! 


thank you by rotalice2-dbjm5jd


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