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Hiya everyone! Blazeymix here :) 

and I wanted to first say thanks for being so supportive regarding the delay of CoA: Chapter 2 because of health and anxiety problems ^^;

The doc's visit went fine, I got some meds that I apparently need so all is going well so far. Anxiety is at a low too. ^^

Anyway, I wanted to update ya'll on what's planned for August. I want to try to get Chapter 2 finished before the middle of the month, but I can't guarantee anything. Mostly what we're lacking are assets for the next dungeon, battlers that fit what the enemies are. Otherwise we'll have to put placeholders that look nothing like the enemies they are intended to be, which would suck.. ^^; Still, we want you guys to play some more! So we'll see what happens.

We have more music coming this month. Two new themes! Both cave related, as we actually don't have cave music for the dungeon in Western Great Forest and we need a cave theme for the new dungeon as well. Yeah it'll be another cave, but this one will be a lot different! ^^ 

So, on the art side of things, I have some big news that should get ya guys excited! While Sallyhot is amazing, he's also very slow ^^; that's just how things go... the next TSP page is still being worked on, but what are we gonna give you in the mean time? Well, I found a solution. We've partnered with our dear friend Tenheart aka Hintofmint on IB to give you guys weekly sexy pics of various Sonic girls ^^ Unfortunately this won't start till september, however I've some more of my own personal commissions to share here until then :) On top of that we'll be putting up polls so ya'll can vote on what you want to see next from Tenheart. We'll be giving you a ton more art here! ^^

For now, that's all the news I have. Stay tuned for more info, perhaps a word from Sallyhot as well. :) We should be doing some new streams this month and other cool things too! <3 


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