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Hiya everyone, BM here, and I wanted to say first of all, I'm sorry for the quiet nature of CoA lately. I've been trying to work hard with things, but to be honest certain health issues have been causing work to be extremely difficult. The stress from this, to make the deadline, have only served to make things worse for me.

Progress has been slower than I hoped on Chapter 2. I did design CGF, and i made new enemies, worked on Bunnie's skills some. but every time I try to work for a bit my anxiety just prevents me from getting things done.

It's a very hard time for me, with a lot of medical problems taking a toll mentally. With this being said, I will have to delay Chapter 2's release this month, as there's just not enough done to give you guys unless you'd enjoy exploring Central Great Forest itself. Aside from that, I know Sallyhot has been working on TSP Page 7, it's only a matter of time before we see some stuff from that. We're sorry for the lack of content this month, and thanks so much for sticking with us and supporting us. 

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to address any and all concerns I currently have so hopefully that will relieve some stress when my doctor has a look at me. 

That being said I did get some exclusive commissions of my characters, I'll probably post them here for you guys that are itching for some new sexy art. 

Anyway, I'll keep you updated on things, and let you know when I can get back at development full speed. <3



hope you feel better and take as much time as you need


Sorry to hear about your situation. I hope you feel better and continue to create at a pace that makes you comfortable.


I got Absolutely no problem with you taking time to heal, your wellness is way more important by far! Hope all goes well with the doctors visit we're pulling for ya!

Thomas J Corton III

Noone could have said this better. We appreciate all the hard work you guys do, so take the pace you need to take and focus on health first and foremost.


Do what you gotta do to take care of your mental health, Blazey. As someone with anxiety issues himself, I can fully understand. Good luck at your Doctor's appointment, and take care of yourself!