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Hiya folks! Just wanted to let ya'll know what's goin on ^^

Blazeymix here! So first I'll start with some updates for ya. On the art side of things, TSP is definitely being worked on! We should see a lot more of Page 7 soon! We want the new page to be inked before the end of the month. Colored too(by me), if Sallyhot finishes it before then! 

On the game front, I've been working on the design for Central Great Forest, as well as more Bunnie stuff. It's all been coming along great! I'll have some new screens to show ya'll very soon! ^^ 

Now you're probably wondering about the NPC Tier and Master Quest Tier, so I'll get into detail about those. We're close to the Knothole update, and we need a lot of NPCs for the village! So we're excited to finally open up the NPC tier, which will allow any of you to add your own Sonic OC into the game. They will have a minor NPC role, but they'll be getting a full overworld sprite sheet and a bust drawing by Sallyhot to feature in the game :) 

As far as the Master Quest Tier, you'll get a Side-Quest featuring your OC NPC, with a good amount of dialogue that Blazeymix will work with you on so your character in the game will feel like you intended! The side-quest will feature a small storyline, and each month this tier is supported, a new quest will be added to the storyline with a lot more content(the second time around and so on) and dialogue for your character. 

These tiers are "giftable", if you prefer your friend's character to be in the game or you don't have your own OC. :)

Any questions about these tiers, please ask us anytime here or PM! :)



pros: nice! The pricing is well balanced for what the Patreon gets. cons: most of us are poor little fur balls ;D


I might just give one of these a shot. Hmm~


Yeah! Of course, we charge so much for the NPC tiers because we have to pay our spriters for the sprites! I'm glad you like it though :)