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The Sprite Concept for Fiona. :)

Had to add a second holster, since she's a gun toten gunslinger type, needed more guns! xD

So we now have a battle concept for all 4 girls. ^_^ Now to just get these animated and put in the game. xD Which isn't gonna be easy, or cheap, but will be worth it once she's all said and done. We'll be focusing on getting a Sally battle sheet finished first, then most likely Bunnie. 

Recently broke down some math for these suckers, so to give ya some more insight on costs for these things. The original battle sheets have 3 frames per action, 18 different actions, 54 frames total. Ours will be double that at 6 frames per action, so 108 frames total. At $5 a frame...and that's the cheapest possible that we'd be able to get, $8 - $10 (which is still on the cheap side for sprite work) being most likely what we'll have to pay for each frame. Ya, not gonna be cheap, and we need 4 full sheets total, 1 for each playable girl. xD 

Will be hella worth it we figure though, so we're still gonna be doin that, cause we crazy. xD But it will be a slow process, due to cost and time needed to make each one. ^^; 

On the bright side, these will be the only real costly thing we'll be looking to get, the rest of the work we can make ourselves, minus NPC overworld sprites, but the costs on those are not nearly as high, since they are a lot smaller and easier to make. ^_^ And, we'll have the smaller battle sprites for each girl in the meantime, so ya'll won't have to wait on these suckers to get finished before being able to play. xD On top of that, we've already spent around $2000 on music alone so far, so it's not like we're not used to all this spending already. xD 

Anywho, for those interested, that's a little break down of things. ^_^ We honestly couldn't do this without you guyz, so all of your support is what's bringing this game to life. :) It's our job to make sure it looks, sounds and plays awesome, but it's in all honesty you guyz that are making it possible in the first place! So thank you. ^_^ 




That is so cool looking!


So a few things I'm curious about. First are the sprites that were in the alpha not going to be the final sprites since the ones you have are far more in depth? And two, why Fiona exactly? She isn't exactly a hero.


SH: The sprites in the Alpha are just placeholder sprites, we have a volunteer helping us out with making those, generously making all 4 girls for us for very cheap, so they will be the battle sprite placeholders for awhile. Then, once we have the larger ones finished, we'll be adding them to the game and they'll be replacing the smaller ones. As for Fiona, we chose her cause she's hot mostly I guess. xD I've always liked her design also, but because she's more of an anti-hero, she'll play a key role in the story later on also, stirring things up a bit. :p


That's fair, I didn't want to tell you how to make it. I was just curious, knowing her background if there was a reason for it. By all means please do make her a character since she's honestly one of the more interesting sonic females. I'm really excited to see the story since I can always support more sonic stuff. And also since the comic may or may not be continuing (likely not) and I'd love to see more with the characters I grew up with


BM: Sorry if I came off that way! I didn't mean to imply you tried to tell us how to make it. Just wanted to clarify. ^^ but ya! To be honest, I was talkin to Sallyhot the other week about the comics and, we were both pretty bummed out. But at the same time, I told him "well, seems now now it's up to us to keep these characters alive." and in a way ya, that's what we're gonna do ^^ but to do that, we gotta make a story that matters and is deep/serious, not something cheesy about f**king the sonic girls. We really do want this project to represent the Sonic fans and the archie fans. :)


Please do, I actually plan on moving up to the $50 tier so please keep doing what you guys do. I may have originally come for the porn but this has me so much more excited especially with how much I loved sonic chronicles the dark brotherhood.


BM: ^^; This game imo is gonna be miles better than that. but ya! I'm so glad you're excited. I'll keep workin hard on the developing side of things! Sallyhot will keep up with the artwork :) As far as you moving up to the Game Tester tier, that'd be awesome! Cause you'll really help me out with finding bugs and testing new stuff like characters, maps, special stages, balance, all that good stuff ^^ You'll be the first to play new builds and hear the new music and see everything! ^^ OH and if you do move up, it'll only charge you 30 :)


lovely :)


BM: Y'know I expected you out of peeps to have the best reaction to this. xD Kinda surprising how chill you seem about it.

Mircea Kitsune (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-30 12:14:03 So lovely and beautiful! <3
2017-07-10 12:23:00 So lovely and beautiful! <3

So lovely and beautiful! <3