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SH: So those playing the game now have seen this already if they've made it to the dungeon, but wanted to share the finished image with ya'll anyway, since some might not have seen it yet....and I'm pretty stoked with how it turned out. x)

This is the first of many battlers for the game and this will be the look and style of things we're going with for most of the enemies of the game. Not sure if ya can tell, but I'm a huge fan of Mega Man X, so there's a lot influence from that in these designs. xD Sorta cartoony, but in a badass sorta way, simple but still really cool lookin! 

I was hoping to have a few more for the release of the alpha, but I also didn't wanna rush things as I do want all our battlers to be as good of quality as this. So we'll eventually release another version of the Alpha within the next week or so, with all our originally designed battlers. 

Anywho, if ya haven't checked out the Alpha demo yet for the Chronicles of Acorn, what are ya doin?!? Check out our previous post to give it a try! :)




aw he aint so tough! great design i saw the sketch earlier it's cool that he's already in the game!