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We're makin this game for the fans after all! Which Sonic girls are your favorite?  It will definitely help us pick the 5th girl we're gonna add as playable once we finish the full demo we got planned for the public.

Well actually, there's a few ideas we have about adding more girls.

The first is, we want to finish the first major plot which is based around The Rise of the Freedom Fighters against Dr. Robotnik. Meaning we're gonna focus the four main gals of the game for the entirity of the story until well.. the conclusion! Can't spoil what happens :P

However, after that point, the game will move on to Part 2 or erm.. The Second Chronicle of Acorn. This first plot is the First Chronicle of Acorn obviously :P 

SO, when we finally do finish the First Chronicle, we're gonna be adding more story and new playable female characters that will tie into the plot. 

The second idea we had, well, we were thinking of making 3 or 4 Chronicles to make up the Main game, and each of those would focus on the four girls, maybe adding one or two along the way. THEN, when the main game is finished and we can call the project "done", we were gonna make Content patches which would add new story chapters and one new girl every 3 or so patches. 


1st idea: 3-4 Chronicles making up the game, new girls added every so often and tie into the story as best we can make em. End result might be upwards of 12 girls before the full game is finished. 

2nd idea: 3-4 Chronicles making up the game, only a couple new playable girls will be added. Content patches will be made after the game is finished which will feature more story and a new girl every 3 or 4 patches.

Now, that being said, we still plan on updating the game with content patches with the 1st idea, so dont worry there.

What I'm leaning toward is the second idea though, because so many girls in the game will really break up the core focus and might make things messy. Also, by focusing on 4-6 girls max, we'll be able to put a ton more effort, balance, and development on them and their sprites, meaning way more sexy and awesome sprites more often. Plus, once the game is finished, it'd make a lot of sense to make the next 3-4 content patches focus on the new girl we add and give her a ton of story involvement with the new chapters. Then the next 3-4 patches we focus on the next girl we pick! In a couple years this game is gonna be huge ^^; like.. TONS of story content, over 100 original tracks of music at LEAST, and about as many of the Sonic girls that we can possibly fit! so.. 20-30 at least? :P

How cool would it be to play as your 4 favorite Sonic gals in an RPG? Can't wait! :P

Anyway, what do you guys think?

And again, who are your favorite gals? :P Lemme know!




I'm torn between blaze and wave


eeh...my top 3 would be Rouge, Blaze and Amy...great idea though


Hershey Cat, Rouge, and Blaze. (3 of my favorites are already on the team ;) )


You excited for the release today? :) Woot, 3 of your favorites already in, that's awesome!


Love em both! x) Be sure to check back later for the first chapter(Alpha version) release!


obviously Fiona :3


She's part of the original 4 :P the third to be playable probably

Eric A.

Amy Rose, Mina Mongoose, and Julie-Su are among my favorites.


That's a tough question 4 of my favorites already in this game! but branching out I'd say Rouge, Blaze, Mina, and Lien-da (I know she's a villain and you'd get sued the minute Penders found out this game) I also like clove she's grown on me recently!


Hmm know she's probably already in the original (not up on progress) Bunnie (best bun), Hershey, Amy and Mina maybe


I'm going for some Honey because she barely have love >_< ,After that, Amy, Bunnie, Nicole truly. With just Honey, I'll be really happy tho x3

Jack Ponder

Vanilla the Rabbit, Wave the Swallow, and Nic the Weasel would all be fun to see. Nic is Nac's sister from the comics.


I'd say all are going in.. except maybe Lien-Da. As much as I love her, it's true Penders might try to ruin the fun here. :/


Definitely would love to see Blaze sometime. Wave is also a favorite of mine along with Lupe the Wolf, who is underrated imo


Blaze and carrotia the rabbit and clove the pronghorn. The last two of which are villains but I like tehm

Kirk Findlay

I think Blaze would be a pretty good addition


Let's see... 1st: Lien-da ; 2nd: Nicole the Lynx ; 3rd: Clove the Pronghorn ; honorable mention: Conquering Storm.


My favorite Sonic girl is Blaze, who is my favorite character in the franchise behind Sonic, though I have developed an affinity for Sticks, who has almost become a Deadpool style 4th wall breaking character in the cartoon.


Honestly... Vanilla, though she's not really one of the girls... I've always thought she would be fun to see in a JRPG, fighting with a parasol like Peach in Super Mario RPG. My second choice would have to be ,dead tie between Amy and Rouge.


Blaze is going to be one of the first girls we add for sure, cause she's always been my favorite gal from the video games.


Thanks for letting us know :) Lupe is one Sallyhot wants in pretty bad for sure. :P and I NEED my Blaze in there! I'm Blazeymix afterall!


Clove, when I first saw her, my impression was: She's so f**king gorgeous. She's definitely coming, but maybe not as a party member(at first) :P


Nicole is the 4th playable character in the original roster! Which means you wont have to wait long to see her :)


Oooh well I'd love to see her. Any plans of egg boss thunderbolt as a villain? Also it's really a shame that the comic is ending now


I would have no problem with Hershey St. John and even Hathor, Queen of the Felidae, Lupe and her wolf pack nations neighbors and disgruntled allies agaisnt the local Legion chapter, which Hershey infiltrated it would be revealed if Penders wouldnt have forced Archie to pull the plug. So yeah, other then Blaze, Honey and Knuckles, other Sonic Cat and Echidna characters are off limits due to penders.


I recently checked, it turns out Nicolette (Nic) Weasel, is a character by Penders though is based off a Sega character, so you might have some leeway with her. He also owns Scourge and nearly all the members of Moebius such as Scourge and The Suppression Squad, though again based on Sega/Archie characters you might get away with that too. Also turns out every other every other Wolf pack member other then Lupe are also Penders so unlikely for Maria or the Twins Lyco or Leeta.


Blaze, amy and tikal. Sallyhot's Nicole too but she's in the game. (BTW tell him more pinup about her would be very appreciated, but i'm not forcing his hand or anything.)


Based on this and my own desires, I Would like Nic Weasel but if the whole Penders thing is too much to worry about then just Stick with Rouge the Bat, though I would be surprised if she wasn't planned already, I Mean she was the first Sonic Game character with boobs, still is last I checked.


As for other possible candidates that are safe from Penders, there are quite a few. Mina Mongoose is a safe bet, Barby Koala of the Downunder Freedom Fighters, Erma Ermenine and Sealia Seal of the Artic Freedom Fighters, Matilda (Tilly) Armadillo, Sister of Might and Member of GDDEL, The Bride of Constant Vigilance or Constant Vigilance for short, Leader of the Shinobi Clan and implied mother of Espio, she could work welk as a female espio character, I suppose I should also mention the Bride of Eternal Reach, the head of the Gossamer Clan (spider ninjas) like Uma Arachnis, I suppose one could use Uma design forna reference in making Eternal Reach more sexually appealing, just a thought. Well that covers my pre-reboot exclusive options, otherwise my choices would be Lupe, Breezie Hedgehog (Just for kicks and giggles and the fact that she's hot and cool character), and Dulce (I mean come on, she's a humanoid dragon now. Why not Dulce?), I Clove and Cassia have grown on me as have Neph Vulture and Sonar Fennec, I am also most interested in Gold the Tenrec she make a nice girl for Silver if it weren't for Sega mandates, then some selections from the new aquatic mobians such as Lt. Echo, Blade the Shark and Opal the Jellyfish.


However if I had to narrow the list considerabley. I would pick Lupe, Rouge (as the best Substitute for Nic I can think of) Dulce (anthro fire breathing dragon that probably knows kung fu) Gold Tenrec (foe benefit of having a time traveler with psychic powers), Blade or Opal (For sake of having an aquatic character), Constant Vigilance (female Espio), Breezie (Hedgehog with potential for a gamble theme with cards and dice) and finally Barby Koala arguably the hottest spin-off freedom fighter who was mercenary beforehand.


I would have included Mina Mongoose, Amy Rose, Blaze Cat, and maybe Tikal, but for one I don't think Tikal would work as a player, an adviser guide at best, plus plenty of other people have spoken for the others already.


We could make Tikal work. This is our game after all, and we're not trying to follow the canon of the games.


I understand as much, considering Nicole is a among the original lineup and is a hologram, a special hologram computer program, but a computer hologram nonetheless, though even in official media there were plenty of ways to make her real such as Nanites and Power rings. Tikal I suppose could still work as a spirit that absorb enough chaos energy to become solid for a time, or perhaps she could combine with chaos like she did in Sonic 30 years later, only more stable and it would allow her to shape shift.

Bedlam Fox

Would love to see Lupe come back to fight alongside Sally. Lupe just doesn't get enough love that she deserves (much like all Native American[esque] characters, go fig)


SH: Lupe is a favorite of mine as well. She'll make an appearance at some point for sure. x)


Hershey st. John and Fiona Fox are the best girls ;)


If you're doing Lupe, Leeta and Lyco would be great too.