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BM: Hiya guys! It's been a quiet middle of the month eh? but that's kinda normal for us :P usually the end and beginning of the month business here is BOOMING! but anyway, you folks that have stuck with us all this time already know we have those quiet dayz. So thanks for the patience! <3

Anywho! Some exciting news to tell ya! As you know we have a sexy and awesome sprite design for Princess Sally that looks detailed and gorgeous during movement. The drawback to the sprite was always that it would take a ton of time to make an entire sprite sheet! as each animation would be around 6 frames, and there's quite a lot of animations. 

When I mentioned I could make a playable small demo for ya'll, I said it'd have to be with placeholder human sprites for the battles. Well, amazingly, we have a new, incredibly talented and hard working member of the team that has designed and created an entire sprite sheet of Princess Sally in the more traditional and simple RPG Maker style to hold us off until we can finish the detailed sprites!

In other words, while it's not our finished sexy Sally sprites, we DO have original finished Sally sprites for you to play with! These are temporary, but the amount of hard work that went into these is staggering. KetchupWithFries is our spriter that worked on them, and he worked tirelessly for two/three weeks straight! I can't even believe he got them ALL done in time, but thanks to him now I can give ya'll a playable demo with Princess Sally in battle! 

Anyway, I'll be working hard as well designing Sally's battle system, her special moves and her stats. The core system is gonna be simple at first but I'll flesh it out over the coming months. For now I have to use base RPG Maker animations and icons for the battle moves so it might look a bit lame but we'll get to creating our own in time. 

So for the first Alpha release of the game, it'll be for everybody to play with, a base to test the concept. After that I'll be working on another more fleshed out build, maybe with an intro to the story that I'll send out to the higher alpha testing tiers next month. This first build isn't gonna be big, just a small dungeon to test battle and such. I hope ya'll look forward to it, as it isn't gonna be much at first but there was a lot of work put into it. :)

Expected release date: June 29th-30th




Nice c: I hope the menu and the combat menu will be different too. The basic one gave by rpg maker aren't really good lol


Yeah we'll change that stuff eventually! Right now we just want somethin playable and go from there. :)