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Hey again! Sallyhot here bringing  ya some news, and this fancy little title I whipped up...never really played around much with the 3D functions in Photoshop before now, it's kinda neat actually! Hope you like it!  ^_^ 

First off, we've officially gone public with the game! So there aint no turning back now! xD She's officially a thing we're doing now...it's do or die...good lord what have we done. x_x

Anywho, now that I've got that posted and outta the way, it's time to get back to some other things. ^_^ Gonna give the game stuff a little rest this week and get back to the comic and the Jenny pinup. 

In the meantime, Blazey will be working hard on some level designs for the game. We're shooting to get the first level in the Great forest done, just with placeholder art to start, we figure it's as good a place as any to start for a Demo of the game. So hopefully we'll have an actual playable rough of the Demo fairly soon. ^_^ 

So yesh, more art comin soon peeps, starting with the pinup...really gotta get that done once and for all. ^_^; Once she's finally done I'll be rolling out the next pinup poll for ya'll to vote on, so the sooner the better! xD 

Catch ya again soon peeps, and thanx for all the support! :)



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