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The finished concept design for Bunnie Rabbot! :)

I had a lot of fun working on this one. I mean, I really like all the designs I've done for the game so far, but this one I think is my favorite for sure! ^_^

It's always fun thinking up new designs for her cybernetics, and I gotta say, I think I'm getting much better at it lately. ^_^

So that completes things for the main cast of playable girls. Now just need to work on a few NPC's and Baddies and we'll be just about ready to get into the meat of things. :) Hope ya dig it as much as I did making it! :)




i dig...uhmmmmmmmmmmm \•o•/


looks a lot like her appearance from around issue 130, you know right around the time Sonic came back from space? Might have been a horrible story arc but the design was awesome.


Ya, that's the look I was basing her off of. I always liked that artist from that time period, he made all the girls a lot more interesting. I think he might of done Fiona' orange jump suit design as well, so I guess I took a lot of influence from his work on these concepts now that I think about it. xD


this might be fun rendering in 3d..

inuyashasg1 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-30 12:15:52 This might be the best looking Bunnie I've ever seen <3
2017-05-29 00:20:33 This might be the best looking Bunnie I've ever seen <3

This might be the best looking Bunnie I've ever seen <3