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LogicBricks is a collection of 11 reusable logic plugins to quickly build simple logic without coding. Since this got a surprising amount of likes in very short time there seems to be a need for this. So I changed plans and added a LOT more LogicBricks. These go now from a simple Relay that just groups triggers via Counter and Timer to more complex bricks for RandomChoice and a very powerful StateMachine brick. I also added a demo scene with 14 examples to spawn some ideas.

The key feature here is that it is using VaM's own Trigger UI, so it should be familiar and easy to use for any creator who used VaM's trigger system before. Just like an UIButton, you can hook it up to AnimationPattern's, Timeline, other plugins and all the kinds of things VaM has to offer.

LogicBricks are a good way to make your scenes a bit more interesting without coding skills. Have some randomness and logic rules instead of just simple animation loops. For example the scene controller plugin used in the Life04 demo scene could now be entirely replaced with just a StateMachine brick. However, you likely won't want more than a few of these in your scene, since at some point coding a custom plugin for your scene becomes way easier.


  • Relay: LogicBrick that triggers directly after Trigger is called. Useful if you want to trigger the same things from multiple sources.
  • RelayOnce: LogicBrick that triggers directly after Trigger is called, but only once. Call Reset to use again.
  • Counter: LogicBrick that triggers once after Trigger was called a number of times. Resets automatically when count is reached. Call Reset to reset manually.
  • Delay: LogicBrick that triggers a fixed time after Trigger is called.
  • RandomDelay: LogicBrick that triggers a random time after Trigger is called.
  • Loop: LogicBrick that triggers multiple times with at a fixed time interval after Trigger is called.
  • RandomLoop: LogicBrick that triggers multiple times with at a random time interval after Trigger is called.
  • Timer: LogicBrick that triggers continuously in a fixed time interval.
  • RandomTimer: LogicBrick that triggers continuously in a random time interval.
  • RandomChoice: LogicBrick that, after Trigger is called, selects a random Choice to trigger. Use Avoid Repetition take the last one or two choices out of the selection, depending on the number of total available choices.
  • StateMachine: Very powerful LogicBrick that represents a the concept of a StateMachine. Each State has a random duration after which it randomly chooses among the transitions of that State to switch the next State. Can also be controlled externally as well as provides a sync feature to sync with other systems in your scene.


  • https://www.patreon.com/posts/logicbricks-2-42885779 
  • This is an EarlyAccess release! Download will be available for free under CC BY-SA license after 2020-11-02. You are allowed to reference this package in your own VAR packages, even if they are paid or use a different license. Links to my Patreon are always appreciated.



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