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Thank you all for your patience! I'm almost done with my final projects! In light of that, I should be able to knock out the last of the February sketch rewards within the next few days, and then on to the Tier Rewards.

Who would you guys like to see in March? I'll be doing only 7 this month so I don't fall too behind. It's also okay to suggest pairings (I'll only pick a limited number of these). If anyone would like a specific theme or situation with their character suggestion, you can write that as well. (Ex. Mia, Diaper Bondage and Hypnosis)

1. Levy (Fairy Tail)
2. Selphie (FF)
3. Gerudo!Link (Breath of the Wild)
4. Cora Harper (Mass Effect)
5. Justin (Grandia)
6. Terra (FF6)
7. Jake (American Dragon Jake Long)



Hmmmmmm let's go with an adult Mia in diapers, bondage, and hypnosis :3c I wanna see that cutie squirm haha


Maybe get in on the ground floor. Cora Harper from Mass Effect 4, maybe a pin up on a rocking horse? Make it Mess Effect.


How about Hilbert from Pokémon black and white?


I've drawn him for Patreon before, back in October. I'd like to avoid repeating characters for now. Do you have any other suggestions?


Haha, I appreciate it, but I'd still rather not draw OCs in these sketch batches. I only used her as an example of a suggestion. Maybe when I feel like we're running low on established characters, I'll take OC requests. I'm trying to avoid too much repetition right now, you see. Maybe I'll drawn a piece like that for fun later on. :3 For now, though, is there an established character you want to see that I haven't drawn for Patreon before?


Jake from american dragon?