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I'm very sorry to say I won't be able to finish all the content for February by the end of the month. It's been a difficult quarter for me at my college, and I've been busier than I've ever been; we're entering finals and the projects have been taking all my time. I've barely been able to draw since midterms earlier this month. I'm going to do as much as I can within the next couple days of the month, but it might take me a little into March to finish delivering, especially the Tier Rewards.

To avoid me getting more behind than I already am, I was hoping you guys wouldn't mind terribly if instead of 10 sketches for March, I only did 7? I would make it up by doing 11 for the next three following months.

Thank you for your patience.



Been there and done that while getting my degree. Haha. Perfectly fine by me. Good luck on the finals!


i always fell like whoever the artist is they should always take they time, and even do my patron for you ends so i just want to say i always love your work ill be back as soon as i can to ill support you again.


That sounds fine! You take care of yourself and your degree hun! You have my support in whatever you do


its okay, Take your time. Im just glad that my pick was taken into consideration and can't wait for the results


Good luck and please take your time, remember you can always take a day off to unwind.


School comes first, take as much time as you need.