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Patreon Reward for torcoolguy featuring his OC Ursula pouting in a cutesy outfit~!




Holy jeez! This is the cleanest I've ever seen you make anything! The lines look so smooth that this almost looks like it's done by a different artist!!! This looks fantastic! Now I wanna see how I can get art like this regularly


You think so? ^o^ This is how I normally do lines when I do lineart. This person is a $100 Tier Patron, so this piece is completely finished instead of colored sketches with messy lines like you normally see here. Beyond commissioning flat or shaded pieces, you can get art like this by being $50 Tier or higher. Thank you for the praise~! <3


Idk xD maybe it's just because I haven't seen your art for a while, and I'm just waking up, and I don't usually see your clean stuff...but I really really like this! Hmm! If I can swing it, then maybe I should try going up a tier xD hahaha You're very welcome! <3 I love your artwork, so praise is a thing you deserve