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sorry for always being late 🥺school is barely giving me time to breath. I'll post pt.2 soon, I'm still getting used to clip studio so things are a bit jumbled😅

anyways, I hope to get this done before midterms, because next episode will begin the second arc! Wahoo! 

Episode 15 Summary:

Mr. Jace reports to Lucas that guests will be arriving in the afternoon, Lucas unlike how he was when Peter left him three years ago, has gotten more in control of his situation and has become rebellious towards his uncle. With Lucas and Mr. Jace's conversation cut short with an unexpected turn of events (Amelia has slipped into his pants), Lucas rushes Amelia back to his room, feeling a bit violated.

He checks up on her wound to make sure she's ok. Amelia leans towards Lucas, as he inspects her wound. 

To his surprise, she's completely healed! Even though he had dug the arrow which was pierced deep into her flesh just the other day.

 but just to make sure, Lucas had to ask "Does it still hurt"  then looks up at Amelia to notice the white eyes he felt so wary about. Lucas jolts back as she lifts her hand to reach for him, just like their first official encounter


Lucas slowly opens his eyes

"Does it still hurt?" Amelia had put the palm of her hand against Lucas's right chest, to where she had seen the burn scars. Her eyes are back to the shade he's used to, but her hand left him feeling bitter.

"No" Lucas replies and moves her hand from off his chest

"What about here? You fell" Amelia gently touches his head where he had fell from the time she dropped him

"Haha, it was just a small bump, don't worry" Lucas reassures her with a smile "Now that you're completely healed, don't you want to go home?"

"Home? Woods?"

"Well, you know, family. Someone you're close to?"

"Family..." Amelia's became dejected at the mention of that word "Broken..." her eyes glisten with tears "I'm alone now."

"No one?"

she has no home to return to. Lucas becomes concerned and sympathetic towards her, she's been in the woods for long enough to become attached to the first thing she sees, a human, and that human just so happens to feel alone in the world too.

She shakes her head to his question

"Would you like to stay here?"

Amelia sparkles with joy and embraces Lucas, both falling off from the edge of the bed "Really! I can stay with you??"

"You can stay however long you'd like"

"Promise you won't leave?"

"I promise"  




No problem! Take care of yourself and don't get too overworked with school and this. Hope everything with school is going well for you! And I love the new episode! Amelia is talking! I'm excited for the new arc!


Thank you for being patient with me! 💕💕. I’ll keep trying my best 😍✨✨


Thank you for sharing your amazing art and story with us! 🥰