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the first two images make me wanna set myself on fire, I envisioned it as like a simple lineless drawing, just focusing on design mostly and then my ass was like "oh well dio wears gold so haha gold time-" and it went downhill from there-

and then i was like "okay pucci time" and i wanted him to be silver but it looks like ass so i just made him gold too and now i feel like im overdosing on all this shiny- and it STILL looks like ass, WHY CANT I DRAW LEATHER-


wish whitesnake mindfucked people more




You're so great actually bc if i had to do something as cool as the first/second one id kms


thank you but it just didnt turn out how i wanted ahshaha so naturally, as any artist would, i throw a tantrum-


Damn you make these bitches hot holy hell/pos