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Apologies I haven't posted in a bit, due to work stuff I'm gonna post a bit more scarcely now ahsagsh sorry

I'm not really proud of this, this is just to get my idea across-
I have redrawn the first few pages several times for no absolute reason- the third panel on the first page was originally the car wheel that i redrew several times until i realised there a better thing to put there,
i went back and edited the first pages cuz the middle pages looked too much like a diff style, idk why i went with this black and white noir lookin thing it was meant to be flat colours and sketchy and then it just-
i forgor several times that people drive on the right side of the road with the driver seat on the left side in the US so i had to restage the scene which i don't HAVE to do but man i'm a storyboarder for a living i can't get away with this-

anyways there was gonna be an extra doodle of Jolyne's mum going "What do you mean you want to go to church?? Are you my Jolyne?? How severe was that crash??!" and Pucci in the back going "gravity back at it again" or something like that-

Also this was inspired by Arcane, specifically my brain going "what is jolyne was jinx and pucci was silco, what now" and then suddenly this

what is it with pucci and adopting descendants of the joestars in a hospital setting, only gravity knows
