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If you look at this without having watched Stone Ocean I will pluck your eyebrows out (/j but also-)

goofy ahh show

Why is there no way to censor or blur previews on Patreon, anyways MEGA SPOILERS

Like halfway through this, after goign through three different renditions of the water I thought "I should've just went for the sharp lineless style with this one" and yet I carried on

Also tried listening to Whitesnake to put myself in the pucci mindset and uhh-- I was surprised to say the least DGASHDA-




you really like jjba huh? it’s your new hyperfixation of the month?


I hate-love jjba, love to hate it, hate to love it- but yeah, i have so many ideas for fanart.. argjhh...


im a teenager you cant stop me from looking at this.. /j THIS IS SOOOO COOL


ah i forgot, the teenage short term memory will easily forget any spoiler- /jjj THANK YOU