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I'll post something else tomorrow but get ready for a barrage of COTL doodles, I'm only just getting started baby




so like,,,, what’s the lore of COTL kebskabf


I'm still figuring it out, been jumping all over the wiki and trying to connect dots.. so far i have.... the RATS...


Ratoo you fuckin gremlind of and elder brother, you should be happy your brought him on that date! You kept your heart a day longer! Honestly seeing ratu with his friends, first being his cult members? So cute! also DADTU! WE LOVE RAT DAD! Omg im guessing the first picture is showing all the other lambs he failed to save/ rear to a point that they could take the crown? Ratu and his friends helping to raise the lamb? CUTE! Polycule with the ungodly child! and ratu ensuring the child doesnt bet a LEGIT PART OF THEIR BODY JESUS CHRIST


Dont worry this is just your average brother relationship, doesn't matter that one of them is a vessel for the God of Death, brotherly shenanigans always come first and thank you!! the first pic was him trying to save all the lambs that the other bishops have supposedly killed, partially becuase they were to be the next vessels (as the prophecy said) but mostly cuz Ratau is trying to do a good thing as a Leader, he failed though of course ahsgah It takes a village to raise a god yes hehe