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Ooh, I like the new ad designs! And omg little Poppy being all runt of the litter n stuff. So cute!! x3


Omg new teal addis!! omg i've been so excited at the possibilities of these guys! and oh my goodness i love their designs! The devious lil octo themed addi, and is the other one a lionfish themed addi? or an angler? Also i love how similar to pinks/ yellows they will just bite or throw down! We stan Eco!! Speaking of i love her being so protective of the lil pup! And the melty eco face is adorable!! protect her at all costs!!


haha thank you! I'm not actually sure what I'm going to do with these two, if anything at all ahdagah i mostly just had a spontaneous idea and thats it The lionfish addi... wasn't actually lionfish inspired but thats a good connection so im gonna pretend it is- and yeah teals and yellows got that in common thank you again hehehe