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made another addison oc just to kill her off but now i dont really wanna finish this so i guess she lives




Oooohhh, I really like these! The innocent "Oh? Whatever is this? uwu" pink Addison with the black heart-shaped blood. GOD, that's great hehe. I also just really like the first set of drawings as well. And the lore you gave in above comments is a lotta fun. I wonder how society would react if they thought/knew that pink Addisons just biologically like murder lmao.


thank youu hehehe Its not that pink addis 'biologically' love murder, it's more they're just sort of pressured to be super successful, maybe a bit of programming is involved, and that devolved into them being obsessed with strength and power, and that sometimes manifests itself in violent ways


ok, firstly this yellow and blue are adorable! i really enjoy their designs! An up to date blue! super interesting! and a new yellow! she looks so sweet with vid! And she dies to save her bae/bestie!! Meanwhile Scrollon's weapon being a fork/ trident? Badass! Suits him so very well! Loving the concept/ designs bright!!


Thank you!! She doesn't really die to 'save anyone', she's the only,, 'captive' lets say, her friend isn't in trouble, don't worry haha. Yeah Scroll's weapon is like a giant fork thing, i'm glad you like that too!