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Made a little... powerpoint presentation of my addison headcanons

Wondering what else I should add. Probably not gonna give Blue and Yellows their own slide cuz I can't think of anything special enough about them to add (other than 123...)

Also bonus weird deflated poppupy, it was born this way




Holy shit, the pink Addisons are just full of entertaining but disturbing things. xD The fact that they eat the damn tail, like what, okay?? pfffbejdjf also awww the Poppupy! so cute!


the tail is a hangover cure also the deflated poppup is just jynx the cat also also, I am absolutely dying at the idea of multiple vids causing mayhem in the city bc of the grouping system tho I am very curious as to how spam got lumped in with the rest and not just trashed


as said, due to them being the most popular... they are the most fucked up ahdgash-


thats exactly what the deflated poppup is based off of actually ahhsdaha yellow addisons usually have to be kept apart, otherwise their collective energy sum could form a nuclear blast Spamton.... nobody knows... even he doesn't know-