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Formal apologies for taking so long to let some of you in but I have to use this method or else I get paranoid.

People who have access to Chap 1:

  • swift
  • chamomile pine tea
  • Echo Song
  • DancingOni
  • Killian Grantaire
  • Caspar
  • Matty Harris
  • Acinom the Cat
  • Pearl Walker
  • c0rpseparts
  • Spoopy Oz
  • TeeBee
  • plutosongs
  • Aster_Crowned
  • Amanda Pedroso
  • Mac And Cheese

People who have access to Chap 2

  • Killian Grantair
  • Matty Harris
  • Spoopy Oz
  • TeeBee
  • DancingOni
  • plutosongs
  • c0rpseparts
  • Aster_Crowned
  • Amanda Pedroso
  • Mac And Cheese

If you have requested access and do not see yourself here, give me a shout

Also, EDIT:

Turning commenting on for feedback. Try not to spam or go too crazy, keep it minimal and keep in mind I'm an amateur. Feedback will not be instantly taken into action, I'll have to think obviously.



in terms of criticism, do you mind allowing us to comment? how would you like us to vocalize this to you?


I've been thinking of allowing comments but i was afraid it would get too cluttered. So i decided to just rely on comments on the patreon post with the link. Would you prefer comments on the doc?


I'd like access too please. ^u^ Also I will try to keep my comments focused on constructive critique instead of all my extra random silly thoughts haha.


Click on the links to the script (you can find them on the pinned post on my page) and it should allow you to send me a request. Also thanks! You can include a bit of silly but maybe put it in the same comments as the critique so that its just not TOO many comments everywhere