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IN THE LAST THREE PICS, the poppups are designed after other people's addiOCs. Not gonna list them all here, but I will when I post publicly (it was like a drawing meme thing I did on twitter, for those unaware)
I will list two and that's in the second pic, the green and orange addipup are of PUKESEVEN's addiOCs

I love poppups




bright there are no words to describe a. how much I love the main crew as these funny creatures and b. how absolutely fucken honored I am that you did my goblin nsbdnabsbvdn I’m melting you are actively sending me to my grave


I'm sending you to your grave? Well just know that the trip ain't free-/j ahsashah I'm glad you enjoy the poppups hehe thank you


Econ achieves their true form!