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Sigh.... making more bubblegum bitches

The one on the furthest left is named 'Scrollon', and their big selling product is pastries, and they brand themselves as a 'cinnamon scroll uwu'

Other potential names for the others are Doublon, Joyton, Pointon, Keyon, Dragon (lol), Trackon, Pointon, Curson ..... ehhhh

EDIT: another name i just thought of randomly that would be good for an addison: Ramon
But it doesn't have anything to with a computer mouse like im trying to keep a theme here-




HAHAHAHA I love the EMOJIS and the fact that Click looks like he's barely holding in the urge to bring a chainsaw to the meeting x'D


im love scroll,,,, also spam looks so soft in this, so normal so are the links all bitchy or are they genuinely nice and that’s why click hates them


you mean the pinks? He hates them because,, they're very similar to him haha, if not the same