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Businesses suffer financial loss after advertisement representatives cause fight at the Cyber grill. Meanwhile, Big Shot Autos only felt a substantial increase in popularity.




Ooof, I never noticed the "I'M SORRY" before! I love the new colors! <3


i had a mini crisis bc at first I didn’t notice the new coloring (wonderful btw so soft,,) and instead had a dilemma of wait haven’t I seen this already i could’vep sworn this was posted a while ago is this a mandela effect i haven’t been getting enough sleep lately


ahgdahs i psoted this but it was like a wip with no colour i think so dont worry you're not going crazy haha


ive never that had that kind of experience before it was so strange like I felt actual real panic intriguing,,,


Ok, i've been meaning to ask for ages. What the heck happened to videon?! did someone stab him?


They were injured in the fight with Spamton (they all had a fight at the Cyber Grill after an argument, and this was their big split)


Oh dang! Poor Vid! Lil adha gremlin just want the business family to all be chill! Mag's don't be harsh! im glad he doesn't have internal bleeding tho <3 (We love mags tho, our nb king)